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Centre of Excellence of Multifunctional Architectured Materials
Direction de la Recherche
46 avenue Félix Viallet
38031 Grenoble Cedex 01
Centre of Excellence of Multifunctional Architectured Materials
Centre of Excellence of Multifunctional Architectured Materials

> Job opportunities

OSTEOFILMS : Osteo-inductive potential of biopolymeric films used as reservoirs for growth factors

Updated on July 3, 2012
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Posted on 2012-07-02

Contact: Catherine Picart Summary of the research project

The research is in the field of bioactive coatings for the regeneration of bone tissue. Engineering functional tissues for regenerative medicine requires a fundamental understanding of how cells cooperatively interact with each other and mature to form tissues. In our group, we have developed and characterized during past years biomimetic films made of natural polymers, which can have controlled mechanical properties 1 as well as bioactivity 2. These films are made by the layer-by-layer assembly of charged polypeptides and polysaccharides. They have lots of potential applications in the field of tissue engineering3. We have recently evidenced that the transdifferentiation of muscle cells in bone cells can be obtained when the film is loaded with an osteoinductive growth factor 2. In addition, these films are osteo-inductive in vivo when deposited on a ceramic biomaterial 4. The matrix-bound presentation of the growth factor also unveiled its specific effects on cell adhesion and migration 5.
The objective of this project is to investigate the relationship between matrix stiffness, spatial presentation of bone-inducive growth factors (BMP proteins) and differentiation in bone cells to form bone tissue. More precisely, we aim to follow the different steps of the long-term differentiation and mineralization of bone precursor cells, in response to matrix-bound presentation of BMP protein from films of different stiffness. This will be compared to the effect of soluble proteins. We will also explore the resistance of the bioactive coatings to various stresses for their future clinical application. Besides their ease of preparation and their versatility, the self-assembled films with controlled properties will be potentially applied in a near future coating for implantable orthopedic biomaterials.
Scientific Environment. The Interface between Materials and Biological Matter group belongs to the LMGP laboratory, which is located in the Minatec Campus.
There are many facilities around, both within the building (AFM, infrared spectrometer, fluorescence microplate reader, ESEM, microscopes, cell culture room, molecular biology and biochemistry techniques) quartz crystal microbalance) and in the partner labs of CEMAM (CMTC technical plateform, SIMAP). The project will be performed in collaboration with C Albiges-Rizo from Institut Albert Bonniot in Grenoble and in relation with other CEMAM partners from the Max Planck Institute in Postdam (Germany).
Profile: The applicant should hold his(her) main background in Bioengineering or (Bio)physics with a serious motivation and skills to work in a multidisciplinary environment.
Application: Please send a Curriculum Vitae + a Motivation Letter and the names + email addresses of three referees to :Catherine Picard

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Date of update July 3, 2012

Université Grenoble Alpes