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Centre of Excellence of Multifunctional Architectured Materials
Direction de la Recherche
46 avenue Félix Viallet
38031 Grenoble Cedex 01
Centre of Excellence of Multifunctional Architectured Materials
Centre of Excellence of Multifunctional Architectured Materials

> CEMAM > News

4 years activity resume

Publié le 18 septembre 2015
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du 18 septembre 2015 au 19 septembre 2015

The Center of Excellence of Multifunctional Architectured Materials has established a collaborative multidisciplinarity approach to issues of technological importance at the forefront of materials research. The overarching goal, common to the 130 permanent researchers of our 6 Interdisciplinarity Research Programs (IRPs), is to produce the design principles of multi functionality by associating multimaterials and architecture with the aim to provide new advanced materials in terms of eco-efficiency.

During the first four years, CEMAM has developed its capacity to act with firstsuccessful results:

Firstly, we did the majority of our investments to maintain our shared facilities but also to provide world-leading equipments in elaboration (EBM additive manufacturing) and characterization (Electron Microscopy and X-ray Tomography) using a cost-sharing policy with our partner labs for a total amount of 3 M€.

Secondly, to promote collaborations with industry, we have developed a strategy based on the “1+1” rule (one CEMAM grant coupled with an industrial grant) for most of the 12 PhD grants financed by IRPs in direct research support to 60 CEMAM members.

We have used the same rule to develop international collaborations like with NTU in Singapore with 3 co-supervised theses. We have also created innovative master projects that allow engineering students of PHELMA to be trained in a mode that is critically important to meet the complex, fast-moving challenges of high-tech SMEs.


To foster scientific dissemination, the labex has supported 5 workshops, an international summer school focused on “Architectured Materials” and a website (" onclick=";return false;"> has been created. Our members are publishing high impact journal articles and getting cited at a pace that continues to accelerate.

Yves BRECHET has given a series of lectures at the College de France, covering topics of CEMAM. In 2017, we will see the groundbreaking of our new eco-design center of architectured materials (ECOMARCH) awarded in the CPER.

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mise à jour le 18 septembre 2015

Université Grenoble Alpes